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Antivirus software

Total AV Review – What Other Sites Won’t Tell You About This Complete Antivirus

Although Total AV isn’t regarded as one of the best antivirus software on the planet, it still manages to offer most of the features that you’d want from a top-quality antivirus program. In fact, it comes close to what some of the market’s finest products are offering and matches most of them in protective capabilities. It might be safe to say that a lack of marketing has played against Total AV’s popularity.

This user-friendly program is one of those pieces of software that just feels very easy to use. An intuitive menu and a lack of complex features are making this program rise in popularity by the day. If you’re in need of antivirus software that won’t make your computer lag while it processes and analyzes your files, Total AV could be the product that you’re looking for.

However, we’ve found some negative aspects of the product that might not be well received by the majority of users. We’ll also focus on mentioning what’s wrong with Total AV as well, so you can get a better idea of how useful the program will be and if it’s going to suit your needs or not.

Total AV – An Overall Analysis

Wondering why you haven’t heard of Total AV before? The answer is rather simple: they’ve only been around for a couple of years. The company itself doesn’t even seem to have a Wikipedia page, but their software is oddly one of the most updated on the market. Their database is nothing short of gigantic, and the program can adapt to new threats by using this database as a data reference.

Some of the world’s most popular internet security labs hadn’t even reviewed this product until recently. However, the results of Total AV have matched those from the industry’s finest (and even surpassed some of them in certain cases), like Avast, Norton, and Bitdefender. That’s how good their software seems to be at dealing with threats.

So, if you’re wondering just what Total AV is, it’s simply one of the newest and most effective antiviruses to have been released in the last decade. The number of features that it offers is just what you’d expect from any of the leading industry products, so purchasing the services of Total AV basically means you’ll have access to an underrated high-quality antivirus.

The Pros & Cons of Total AV

Although it’s easy to compare Total AV to the industry’s finest, it would be unrealistic to expect the program to perform flawlessly. In fact, every piece of antivirus software comes packed with a few bugs and performance issues – even when analyzing the attributes of the most recommended programs.

Such is the case with Total AV. In order to help you get a better understating of its features, we’ll fully break down the pros and cons of the software. Refer to this list if you want to know what the benefits of Total AV are over other antivirus programs or the drawbacks of Total AV and its low points.

Total AV Pros

  • Your subscription to Total AV comes with an integrated VPN service, which can be used without having to pay an additional fee
  • It comes with a set of very complete features – although these could be further expanded, they still offer a ton of options
  • Everything about this software feels intuitive. You won’t struggle to navigate through menus, finding certain features or even performing analysis on specific viruses
  • It’s a great program for those looking to avoid internet phishing, regardless of who performs it (the government or external phishing hackers)
  • The Total AV regular scan is very efficient and finishes up very quickly

Total AV Cons

  • Poor scores in independent lab’s malware analysis software make it not as responsive to new threats as other programs
  • The services of this antivirus program are rather expensive, even though they offer discounts for the first year of subscription
  • Some popular antivirus features are missing from this program

Everything That Your Computer Needs – Breaking Down All Total AV Features

As we’ve pointed out, some of the features that Total AV has to offer are simply outstanding when it comes to performance. To get a better idea of which features we’re talking about, we’ve compiled this list of the Total AV best features.

Complete and Powerful Scan

Every potential threat should be easily found and later eradicated from your computer thanks to the power of the Total AV scan. The main drawback of their scan is the lack of analysis of certain encrypted files (it might not be able to detect threats located inside of protected folders), but it ultimately isn’t too much of an issue because these threats are usually dormant.

The rest of the scan usually goes as smoothly as you could wish, with a threat detection capability of almost 100% in most cases.


Most modern pieces of antivirus software are using dark themes in their menus, and there’s a good reason for it: darker themes create a professional look and adds trustworthiness to every software. As such, the Total AV interface uses the same type of theme to create an easily navigated menu with options that won’t overwhelm even the less tech-savviest of users.

Everything that the software has to offer is always a couple of clicks away, which means that you shouldn’t navigate the menus too much before finding what you’re looking for. That is after you’ve familiarized yourself with the program, of course – especially if you haven’t played too much with an antivirus before.

Full Phishing Protection

The main reason as to why you should consider purchasing Total AV over other products is its ability to detect phishing threats. The analysis that this program gives might not be as detailed as those you get with other antiviruses, such as Kaspersky or Panda. However, the protection it gives is just as effective.

Furthermore, even though the details might not be as in-depth as with other programs, when you purchase either of their expensive plans, you are provided with a full guide that explains how to deal with threats and what to do in certain situations.

Firewall and Real-Time Protection

The combination of the Total AV firewall with its real-time protection makes this antivirus one of the most efficient at keeping your devices safe from threats before they enter your system. The free version of the program is inexplicably missing real-time protection, so we do not recommend using the unpaid version at all. We’ll go into more details below.

The firewall is very powerful, and it might block some programs that you want to execute. However, it’s thankfully easy to turn off and add exceptions to it.

Total AV Pricing & Plans

Total AV sounds good when reading up on all its features, and it’s actually very good when you try them out as well. The main drawback of this powerful antivirus is its price. In order to purchase the services of Total AV, you’ll need to shell out a considerable amount of money that you might otherwise save if you opt for one of its competitors. Let’s look at their plans to better understand this.

The Total AV developers offer a free version, but we’re not covering it on this review simply because the company opted to perform a relatively cheap move: they removed the real-time protection from their free product. This means you won’t really get much antivirus coverage from their free version, rendering it almost useless. If you want a free antivirus, we recommend Avast or AVG.

Their plans all have crazy discounts during the first year, but then they cost a bunch of money after the second year of your subscription. Their Essential Plan costs $100 a year, their Pro Plan goes for $120 a year, and their Ultimate Plan costs $150 a year.

Better pricing and less predatory tactics would surely make this antivirus one of the most popular pieces of software on the market. We recommend subscribing to each plan on a yearly basis and then cancel your subscription. You will get a ton of protection and you won’t even pay half the money thanks to their year-one discounts.

Our Final Verdict on Total AV

Total AV is a new antivirus program that packs a punch – it offers all the features that you’d expect from a top-quality antivirus, although it’ll mean that you’ll have to pay a very hefty fee. However, it still costs less money than some competitor pieces of software, and its quality compares to the industry’s leading products in terms of protection as well as overall performance.

Total AV is a good antivirus for those who need to protect their information even if they have it stored in an old computer. The performance features of Total AV allow the program to run smoothly, even in the slowest of devices. However, there are other great options on the market – we encourage you to weigh the pros and cons of each of them to see what piece of antivirus software will work best for you.


Although Total AV isn’t regarded as one of the best antivirus software on the planet, it still manages to offer most of the features that you’d want from a top-quality antivirus program. In fact, it comes close to what some of the market’s finest products are offering and matches most of them in protective capabilities. It might be safe to say that a lack of marketing has played against Total AV’s popularity.

This user-friendly program is one of those pieces of software that just feels very easy to use. An intuitive menu and a lack of complex features are making this program rise in popularity by the day. If you’re in need of antivirus software that won’t make your computer lag while it processes and analyzes your files, Total AV could be the product that you’re looking for.

However, we’ve found some negative aspects of the product that might not be well received by the majority of users. We’ll also focus on mentioning what’s wrong with Total AV as well, so you can get a better idea of how useful the program will be and if it’s going to suit your needs or not.

Total AV – An Overall Analysis

Wondering why you haven’t heard of Total AV before? The answer is rather simple: they’ve only been around for a couple of years. The company itself doesn’t even seem to have a Wikipedia page, but their software is oddly one of the most updated on the market. Their database is nothing short of gigantic, and the program can adapt to new threats by using this database as a data reference.

Some of the world’s most popular internet security labs hadn’t even reviewed this product until recently. However, the results of Total AV have matched those from the industry’s finest (and even surpassed some of them in certain cases), like Avast, Norton, and Bitdefender. That’s how good their software seems to be at dealing with threats.

So, if you’re wondering just what Total AV is, it’s simply one of the newest and most effective antiviruses to have been released in the last decade. The number of features that it offers is just what you’d expect from any of the leading industry products, so purchasing the services of Total AV basically means you’ll have access to an underrated high-quality antivirus.

The Pros & Cons of Total AV

Although it’s easy to compare Total AV to the industry’s finest, it would be unrealistic to expect the program to perform flawlessly. In fact, every piece of antivirus software comes packed with a few bugs and performance issues – even when analyzing the attributes of the most recommended programs.

Such is the case with Total AV. In order to help you get a better understating of its features, we’ll fully break down the pros and cons of the software. Refer to this list if you want to know what the benefits of Total AV are over other antivirus programs or the drawbacks of Total AV and its low points.

Total AV Pros

  • Your subscription to Total AV comes with an integrated VPN service, which can be used without having to pay an additional fee
  • It comes with a set of very complete features – although these could be further expanded, they still offer a ton of options
  • Everything about this software feels intuitive. You won’t struggle to navigate through menus, finding certain features or even performing analysis on specific viruses
  • It’s a great program for those looking to avoid internet phishing, regardless of who performs it (the government or external phishing hackers)
  • The Total AV regular scan is very efficient and finishes up very quickly

Total AV Cons

  • Poor scores in independent lab’s malware analysis software make it not as responsive to new threats as other programs
  • The services of this antivirus program are rather expensive, even though they offer discounts for the first year of subscription
  • Some popular antivirus features are missing from this program

Everything That Your Computer Needs – Breaking Down All Total AV Features

As we’ve pointed out, some of the features that Total AV has to offer are simply outstanding when it comes to performance. To get a better idea of which features we’re talking about, we’ve compiled this list of the Total AV best features.

Complete and Powerful Scan

Every potential threat should be easily found and later eradicated from your computer thanks to the power of the Total AV scan. The main drawback of their scan is the lack of analysis of certain encrypted files (it might not be able to detect threats located inside of protected folders), but it ultimately isn’t too much of an issue because these threats are usually dormant.

The rest of the scan usually goes as smoothly as you could wish, with a threat detection capability of almost 100% in most cases.


Most modern pieces of antivirus software are using dark themes in their menus, and there’s a good reason for it: darker themes create a professional look and adds trustworthiness to every software. As such, the Total AV interface uses the same type of theme to create an easily navigated menu with options that won’t overwhelm even the less tech-savviest of users.

Everything that the software has to offer is always a couple of clicks away, which means that you shouldn’t navigate the menus too much before finding what you’re looking for. That is after you’ve familiarized yourself with the program, of course – especially if you haven’t played too much with an antivirus before.

Full Phishing Protection

The main reason as to why you should consider purchasing Total AV over other products is its ability to detect phishing threats. The analysis that this program gives might not be as detailed as those you get with other antiviruses, such as Kaspersky or Panda. However, the protection it gives is just as effective.

Furthermore, even though the details might not be as in-depth as with other programs, when you purchase either of their expensive plans, you are provided with a full guide that explains how to deal with threats and what to do in certain situations.

Firewall and Real-Time Protection

The combination of the Total AV firewall with its real-time protection makes this antivirus one of the most efficient at keeping your devices safe from threats before they enter your system. The free version of the program is inexplicably missing real-time protection, so we do not recommend using the unpaid version at all. We’ll go into more details below.

The firewall is very powerful, and it might block some programs that you want to execute. However, it’s thankfully easy to turn off and add exceptions to it.

Total AV Pricing & Plans

Total AV sounds good when reading up on all its features, and it’s actually very good when you try them out as well. The main drawback of this powerful antivirus is its price. In order to purchase the services of Total AV, you’ll need to shell out a considerable amount of money that you might otherwise save if you opt for one of its competitors. Let’s look at their plans to better understand this.

The Total AV developers offer a free version, but we’re not covering it on this review simply because the company opted to perform a relatively cheap move: they removed the real-time protection from their free product. This means you won’t really get much antivirus coverage from their free version, rendering it almost useless. If you want a free antivirus, we recommend Avast or AVG.

Their plans all have crazy discounts during the first year, but then they cost a bunch of money after the second year of your subscription. Their Essential Plan costs $100 a year, their Pro Plan goes for $120 a year, and their Ultimate Plan costs $150 a year.

Better pricing and less predatory tactics would surely make this antivirus one of the most popular pieces of software on the market. We recommend subscribing to each plan on a yearly basis and then cancel your subscription. You will get a ton of protection and you won’t even pay half the money thanks to their year-one discounts.

Our Final Verdict on Total AV

Total AV is a new antivirus program that packs a punch – it offers all the features that you’d expect from a top-quality antivirus, although it’ll mean that you’ll have to pay a very hefty fee. However, it still costs less money than some competitor pieces of software, and its quality compares to the industry’s leading products in terms of protection as well as overall performance.

Total AV is a good antivirus for those who need to protect their information even if they have it stored in an old computer. The performance features of Total AV allow the program to run smoothly, even in the slowest of devices. However, there are other great options on the market – we encourage you to weigh the pros and cons of each of them to see what piece of antivirus software will work best for you.

Norton Antivirus Review 2021 – Is Norton the Best Antivirus?

Are you looking for the best antivirus to protect your computer from internet-lurking malware? Norton offers very cheap plans for users with a single computer and affordable antivirus plans for companies. It’s an overall complete option which gives users the ability to keep their computers protected from all sorts of threats.

Norton also offers discounts for customers that choose to use more than one device with their antivirus plan. The license prices are more than fair and you can easily protect all devices in your home without having to break the bank for it.

If you want to know how effective Norton antivirus is, or if you’re interested in the product and want more information about it, keep reading our complete Norton antivirus review.

Norton Antivirus Overview

The Norton Antivirus has been around for quite a while. Since the foundation of the company back in 1991, Norton has become a household name in the antivirus software industry thanks to the high-quality protection that they bring to users all around the world. Their services are being used by thousands of companies and family households from every corner of the world.

The Norton Antivirus originally started as a PC exclusive program, but the company has turned it into a large program that now covers iOS devices as well as Android phones and other popular electronic devices.

You can purchase many different antivirus plans from Norton. They have different plans designed to suit the individual needs of each buyer. Their most popular plan (known as Norton Antivirus Basic) costs just short of $15 a year and offers everything you need to keep your computer protected. It doesn’t include a bunch of additional tools or features, but it will keep your devices safe from malware attacks.

Norton Extras

You can also purchase the service of other Norton extra components, such as a password manager and improved security for internet browsing. The product’s popularity is mainly due to the number of features that it offers, as well as the discounts that Norton gives you if you want to purchase more than one of its services.

Norton Antivirus Pros & Cons

As with any modern antivirus software, there are a few pros and cons that you need to take into consideration before financially committing to Norton. The product is one of the best antivirus software that we’ve tried, but it’s still worth noting that some things might not please every buyer. Read our list of Norton pros and cons carefully before purchasing.

Norton Antivirus Pros

  • The malware protection offered by Norton is sure to keep your devices safe from almost every threat that pops up while browsing the internet
  • The Norton premium packages come with a ton of extra features, including online data storage with extra protection
  • A very good interface allows users to browse the program freely, select features as they please, and always feel like they’re in control of the software
  • Supports most modern devices and platforms without compromising performance
  • Comes with the option to purchase additional protective tools to further increase the security of your devices
  • It’s reliable and constantly updated

Norton Antivirus Cons

  • Norton doesn’t have a free trial, which makes you commit to the software financially without trying it first
  • Although the program protects you while browsing the internet, it doesn’t come with a secure web browser like other antivirus software

Why Choose Norton Over Other Antiviruses?

The services offered by Norton are often selected over those you get from other antivirus providers because of the high-quality service you get with the company. Likewise, it helps that Norton is a household name and an already established member of the antivirus industry.

The praise they get for their services is well-earned, though – their protection is on par with some of the best antivirus platforms on the planet, as for example Kaspersky or Avast.

Guaranteed Security

Norton offers more security and protection than some of the most popular programs on the web. In fact, the Norton database is constantly being updated with new threats, allowing your computer to stay safe even when new viruses show up on the internet. You’ll get constant warnings and notifications to inform you when your devices are being affected by threats.

Multiple Features

You might find that some of Norton’s competitors offer discounts according to the number of licenses that you choose to purchase. Norton has a different strategy: They present you with premium plans that cover all of your needs with a ton of extra features to choose from.

Constant Security

The constant barrage of updates that the company gives to Norton Antivirus shows how committed they are to keep you protected at all times. You won’t have to worry about spyware or other intruders trying to access your computer as long as you keep Norton running.

Norton Antivirus Protection & Performance

Norton is one of the highest rated antiviruses in the world. There have been plenty of tests made to compare the protection efficiency of the most popular antivirus software and Norton always comes out inside the top 10 most effective antivirus software. In fact, Norton is capable of protecting a whopping 99% of the threats you encounter online.

That’s not even taking into account other basic malware that you find online. Against common malware (malicious trojans and other sorts of annoying files), Norton has an efficiency rating of almost 100%.

The software is not only an amazing device protector, but it also works in a way that allows your computer to stay running at full efficiency while the software keeps it protected. Norton doesn’t slow down computers at all.

The program removes all malicious files and places them under a quarantine folder, where you can evaluate where the threat was found and what it would do to your system. If you feel like the threat found by Norton is a false positive, you can remove it from quarantine and add an exception to keep the file in your computer.

Full Analysis

When Norton detects a threat, the program gives you a full analysis of which type of virus is trying to make a living in your system. Thus, you can properly evaluate everything related to the malware before deciding what to do with it.

As with any other antivirus software, Norton might let some things slip or register certain clean files as viruses, prompting a false positive. If you know that the program that you’re trying to run is safe, you can tell the program to let it run and exclude it from being censored again.

Norton Antivirus Features

The Norton Antivirus Basic plan comes with a ton of options dispersed throughout the initial menu layout. You might think that these options are a bit too much at first but fear not – Norton has a bunch of guidelines and it will always keep you informed of the functionality of each feature.

Regardless, the most complex and advanced plans come with more features than the Norton Basic service. You shouldn’t have any issues navigating through menus or telling the antivirus software to do what you need with a quick glance of its well-presented features.

Norton doesn’t allow extremely in-depth customization of scanning, unlike other software providers offer. Nevertheless, the normal scans that you can do with Norton are as powerful as you could wish for. The only issue is that you can’t tell the antivirus software to locate certain threats in a specific location. It’ll perform a full scan before telling providing you with results.

There are also other options, such as the Norton Insight, which detect root problems in your system which could be the cause of certain viruses. Overall, the program offers a lot of functions that will help you improve your computer’s performance and keep it from external threats.

Norton Antivirus Costs & Norton Plans

Although Norton has fairly reasonable prices for their antivirus software, they don’t really allow support for multiple devices within a single plan. However, there’s a lot of versatility regarding the prices and different plans.

You can purchase their basic plan for just under $20 a year, their standard plan for $35 a year, their deluxe plan for $40 a year and their premium plan for $50 a year.

If you want to know more about Norton’s prices and specific information about what they offer, feel free to visit their website by following this link.

Our Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a reliable and safe antivirus program to keep your computer protected from malware of all sorts, Norton Antivirus is exactly what you’re looking for. Big name companies might also want to opt for this antivirus if they can afford it, while smaller enterprises might prefer choosing a cheaper option to save up some money.

However, if you can afford it, Norton is a safe bet when it comes to choosing a reliable and easy-to-use software. All you need to do is purchase one of their plans, follow the setup process and enjoy browsing the web safely.


Are you looking for the best antivirus to protect your computer from internet-lurking malware? Norton offers very cheap plans for users with a single computer and affordable antivirus plans for companies. It’s an overall complete option which gives users the ability to keep their computers protected from all sorts of threats.

Norton also offers discounts for customers that choose to use more than one device with their antivirus plan. The license prices are more than fair and you can easily protect all devices in your home without having to break the bank for it.

If you want to know how effective Norton antivirus is, or if you’re interested in the product and want more information about it, keep reading our complete Norton antivirus review.

Norton Antivirus Overview

The Norton Antivirus has been around for quite a while. Since the foundation of the company back in 1991, Norton has become a household name in the antivirus software industry thanks to the high-quality protection that they bring to users all around the world. Their services are being used by thousands of companies and family households from every corner of the world.

The Norton Antivirus originally started as a PC exclusive program, but the company has turned it into a large program that now covers iOS devices as well as Android phones and other popular electronic devices.

You can purchase many different antivirus plans from Norton. They have different plans designed to suit the individual needs of each buyer. Their most popular plan (known as Norton Antivirus Basic) costs just short of $15 a year and offers everything you need to keep your computer protected. It doesn’t include a bunch of additional tools or features, but it will keep your devices safe from malware attacks.

Norton Extras

You can also purchase the service of other Norton extra components, such as a password manager and improved security for internet browsing. The product’s popularity is mainly due to the number of features that it offers, as well as the discounts that Norton gives you if you want to purchase more than one of its services.

Norton Antivirus Pros & Cons

As with any modern antivirus software, there are a few pros and cons that you need to take into consideration before financially committing to Norton. The product is one of the best antivirus software that we’ve tried, but it’s still worth noting that some things might not please every buyer. Read our list of Norton pros and cons carefully before purchasing.

Norton Antivirus Pros

  • The malware protection offered by Norton is sure to keep your devices safe from almost every threat that pops up while browsing the internet
  • The Norton premium packages come with a ton of extra features, including online data storage with extra protection
  • A very good interface allows users to browse the program freely, select features as they please, and always feel like they’re in control of the software
  • Supports most modern devices and platforms without compromising performance
  • Comes with the option to purchase additional protective tools to further increase the security of your devices
  • It’s reliable and constantly updated

Norton Antivirus Cons

  • Norton doesn’t have a free trial, which makes you commit to the software financially without trying it first
  • Although the program protects you while browsing the internet, it doesn’t come with a secure web browser like other antivirus software

Why Choose Norton Over Other Antiviruses?

The services offered by Norton are often selected over those you get from other antivirus providers because of the high-quality service you get with the company. Likewise, it helps that Norton is a household name and an already established member of the antivirus industry.

The praise they get for their services is well-earned, though – their protection is on par with some of the best antivirus platforms on the planet, as for example Kaspersky or Avast.

Guaranteed Security

Norton offers more security and protection than some of the most popular programs on the web. In fact, the Norton database is constantly being updated with new threats, allowing your computer to stay safe even when new viruses show up on the internet. You’ll get constant warnings and notifications to inform you when your devices are being affected by threats.

Multiple Features

You might find that some of Norton’s competitors offer discounts according to the number of licenses that you choose to purchase. Norton has a different strategy: They present you with premium plans that cover all of your needs with a ton of extra features to choose from.

Constant Security

The constant barrage of updates that the company gives to Norton Antivirus shows how committed they are to keep you protected at all times. You won’t have to worry about spyware or other intruders trying to access your computer as long as you keep Norton running.

Norton Antivirus Protection & Performance

Norton is one of the highest rated antiviruses in the world. There have been plenty of tests made to compare the protection efficiency of the most popular antivirus software and Norton always comes out inside the top 10 most effective antivirus software. In fact, Norton is capable of protecting a whopping 99% of the threats you encounter online.

That’s not even taking into account other basic malware that you find online. Against common malware (malicious trojans and other sorts of annoying files), Norton has an efficiency rating of almost 100%.

The software is not only an amazing device protector, but it also works in a way that allows your computer to stay running at full efficiency while the software keeps it protected. Norton doesn’t slow down computers at all.

The program removes all malicious files and places them under a quarantine folder, where you can evaluate where the threat was found and what it would do to your system. If you feel like the threat found by Norton is a false positive, you can remove it from quarantine and add an exception to keep the file in your computer.

Full Analysis

When Norton detects a threat, the program gives you a full analysis of which type of virus is trying to make a living in your system. Thus, you can properly evaluate everything related to the malware before deciding what to do with it.

As with any other antivirus software, Norton might let some things slip or register certain clean files as viruses, prompting a false positive. If you know that the program that you’re trying to run is safe, you can tell the program to let it run and exclude it from being censored again.

Norton Antivirus Features

The Norton Antivirus Basic plan comes with a ton of options dispersed throughout the initial menu layout. You might think that these options are a bit too much at first but fear not – Norton has a bunch of guidelines and it will always keep you informed of the functionality of each feature.

Regardless, the most complex and advanced plans come with more features than the Norton Basic service. You shouldn’t have any issues navigating through menus or telling the antivirus software to do what you need with a quick glance of its well-presented features.

Norton doesn’t allow extremely in-depth customization of scanning, unlike other software providers offer. Nevertheless, the normal scans that you can do with Norton are as powerful as you could wish for. The only issue is that you can’t tell the antivirus software to locate certain threats in a specific location. It’ll perform a full scan before telling providing you with results.

There are also other options, such as the Norton Insight, which detect root problems in your system which could be the cause of certain viruses. Overall, the program offers a lot of functions that will help you improve your computer’s performance and keep it from external threats.

Norton Antivirus Costs & Norton Plans

Although Norton has fairly reasonable prices for their antivirus software, they don’t really allow support for multiple devices within a single plan. However, there’s a lot of versatility regarding the prices and different plans.

You can purchase their basic plan for just under $20 a year, their standard plan for $35 a year, their deluxe plan for $40 a year and their premium plan for $50 a year.

If you want to know more about Norton’s prices and specific information about what they offer, feel free to visit their website by following this link.

Our Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a reliable and safe antivirus program to keep your computer protected from malware of all sorts, Norton Antivirus is exactly what you’re looking for. Big name companies might also want to opt for this antivirus if they can afford it, while smaller enterprises might prefer choosing a cheaper option to save up some money.

However, if you can afford it, Norton is a safe bet when it comes to choosing a reliable and easy-to-use software. All you need to do is purchase one of their plans, follow the setup process and enjoy browsing the web safely.

Bitdefender Antivirus Review – Is Bitdefender a Good Antivirus?

Bitdefender is an internet security company based in Romania, where it was first founded back in 2001. The founder of the company still remains as its CEO and has supervised the growth of their antivirus software since it started development during the beginning of the century.

The Bitdefender antivirus is widely regarded as one of the top 5 best antivirus software in the world, protecting hundreds of millions of computers from all around the world.

You probably know how many viruses are out there waiting for you to become a victim of their malicious programming, so having a solid antivirus such as Bitdefender goes a long way into helping you avoid ransomware and other malicious software.

If you want to know all of the benefits that you’ll get with a Bitdefender subscription, stay with us throughout this review as we break down all of its features, pricing, and other important information.

Bitdefender Antivirus Overview

Bitdefender is currently regarded as one of the top 5 best antivirus software in the world, thanks to the continuous anti-malware protection that doesn’t cease as long as the program is running. Users with slow computers don’t even need to worry about the effectiveness of the software thanks to the GPU-friendly processes of Bitdefender.

If you’ve tried other antivirus software before, you probably know how inconvenient it is to get constant false positives while browsing the internet. Bitdefender is one of the most accurate programs when it comes to detecting malware, which means you won’t be prompted with false positives too often when you go online.

The newer versions of Bitdefender come with a very good-looking dashboard that maximizes ease of access while browsing the menus of the software. Some other antivirus software, although very effective, feel wrong when looking at the menus. Some developers don’t pay too much attention to the design of their software but focus on effectiveness, which is a critical error nowadays.

With Bitdefender you get a bit of everything that’s good in any antivirus software and just a few things that aren’t as good as we would’ve liked. We’ll go into further detail on this when we discuss the Bitdefender pros and cons further in this article.

Bitdefender Extras

The program also includes a ton of additional features that help you enjoy a better experience when using the antivirus. For example, there’s an included VPN service with your subscription, which helps you get a safer browsing experience by hiding your IP from malicious websites.

You can even select which of these features you like to see on the dashboard of the Bitdefender antivirus. The menus are fully customizable, and you can simply input which options they will show. In fact, the dashboard comes with some presets that you can change – it shows the quick scan option and the VPN when you first boot up the software.

Bitdefender Antivirus Pros & Cons

It’s always important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of any antivirus software before purchasing its services. Committing financially to an antivirus likely means that you’ll be keeping it around for a while, and although Bitdefender is a trustworthy partner, you’ll want to know what it does and which features are lacking before purchasing any plans.

Bitdefender Antivirus Pros

  • Bitdefender malware protection is second to none. Few programs are as good at blocking threats as this antivirus
  • This antivirus software can run smoothly even when your computer (or any device) is running multiple tasks at once
  • Comes with a built-in VPN, further expanding its defensive features
  • Includes parental controls

Bitdefender Antivirus Cons

  • During the first scans, Bitdefender takes a long while to fully determine which files are infected and which files are clean
  • Although the program does a good job at blocking and quarantining threats, certain targeted attacks could slip past its defenses

Why Choose Bitdefender Over Other Antiviruses?

If you’re going to choose Bitdefender, you’re selecting one of the best antiviruses of 2019. Even the most basic Bitdefender plan includes a built-in VPN, and even though it doesn’t allow you to freely browse the internet (it comes with a 200 MB daily limit), it offers more than what its close competitors do.

You can even create profiles while using Bitdefender, which allows you to avoid phishing scams on the internet. The benefits that you get with Bitdefender are just too good to be overlooked – even when comparing it to some of the other best antivirus software on the market.

Another reason to choose Bitdefender over other antivirus software is simply that it offers the best basic protection out of them all. Those looking to avoid spending big on an antivirus might want to seriously consider purchasing the Bitdefender basic plan.

Bitdefender Antivirus Protection & Performance

Bitdefender has successfully passed countless of ransomware tests. This antivirus is designed to specifically get rid of ransomware and quarantine any threats related to it, and it’s not surprising that the software has performed almost flawlessly when faced against every type of ransomware threat.

The program doesn’t only block known threats, it also analyses patterns and trends to protect your devices against new ones.

When facing regular threats, such as trojans, spyware and adware, Bitdefender has also outperformed almost every single product created by competitors. The amount of protective features that it offers is second to none, and countless tests have demonstrated just how powerful the Bitdefender database and pattern analysis are.

Furthermore, the product is able to perform flawlessly when your computer is running other programs while scanning for viruses. Bitdefender doesn’t use a ton of GPU power to process information, which frees up a lot of space and allows you to use your devices as you please while getting the best protection that it can offer.

Cleanup Process

One of the few issues with Bitdefender is that the cleanup process isn’t as efficient as it should be. Although the most dangerous parts of the malware are usually deleted, sometimes the Bitdefender cleanup might leave some files behind. These files are harmless, but they still take space from your computer.

Bitdefender Antivirus Features

Before purchasing the services of any antivirus software, you’ll need to be clear on what features it offers. Bitdefender has a wide variety of features at its disposal, like some of the ones we mentioned already (such as the VPN, for example).

Furthermore, Bitdefender comes with a few different scan options that adapt to your specific needs. It comes with a Quick Scan feature that evaluates the state of your drives quickly, but it also has a Full Scan feature that offers a complete evaluation of present threats in your device.

Bitdefender isn’t as easily configured as other competitor products are, though. For example, Kaspersky and Avast offer more maneuverability when it comes to choosing automatic scan times, exceptions, and other relevant features. Nevertheless, Bitdefender can be tweaked and modified to suit your specific needs.

There’s also one more feature that most people will much likely appreciate: their personal information storage program. Bitdefender comes with a special password manager that safely keeps track of all of your precious information and protects it from hacker attacks. It can store website credential, bank login details and much more.

File Shredder

Just like AVG, Bitdefender comes with a built-in file shredder that completely disposes of any information that you don’t want to keep around anymore. Not every modern antivirus software includes this but having it around could certainly keep your computer running smoothly without having to constantly defrag your HDD.

Bitdefender Antivirus Costs & Bitdefender Plans

Bitdefender has a ton of plans at your disposal. Surprisingly enough, the effectiveness of the software doesn’t translate into a hefty price. You can purchase their most basic paid plan at just $24 a year. Their plans escalate in price and features, going up to just short of $50 for their Family Pack, which includes licenses for a bunch of devices at once.

We’ve come across much more expensive and less effective antivirus software before, so it might be a good choice if you’re considering investing some money on Bitdefender’s services.

You can obtain more information on Bitdefender’s price by visiting their website, which you can do by simply following this link.

Our Final Verdict

It doesn’t matter which device you run Bitdefender on, you’re almost guaranteed to have an incredible malware protection software running smoothly at all times. This antivirus is one of the best programs we’ve tested in what refers to keeping you safe from phishing scams, adware, spams, and other types of malicious computer programs.

The newer versions of Bitdefender are very good thanks to the improvements that the developer has made. Their services are second to none, and their additional features are nothing short of incredible. Even their VPN is developed by the same makers of HotSpot Shield, one of the most popular VPN providers in the world.

If you’re looking for a cheap and reliable antivirus option, be it for your own benefit or for your whole family, Bitdefender is probably a good bet.


Bitdefender is an internet security company based in Romania, where it was first founded back in 2001. The founder of the company still remains as its CEO and has supervised the growth of their antivirus software since it started development during the beginning of the century.

The Bitdefender antivirus is widely regarded as one of the top 5 best antivirus software in the world, protecting hundreds of millions of computers from all around the world.

You probably know how many viruses are out there waiting for you to become a victim of their malicious programming, so having a solid antivirus such as Bitdefender goes a long way into helping you avoid ransomware and other malicious software.

If you want to know all of the benefits that you’ll get with a Bitdefender subscription, stay with us throughout this review as we break down all of its features, pricing, and other important information.

Bitdefender Antivirus Overview

Bitdefender is currently regarded as one of the top 5 best antivirus software in the world, thanks to the continuous anti-malware protection that doesn’t cease as long as the program is running. Users with slow computers don’t even need to worry about the effectiveness of the software thanks to the GPU-friendly processes of Bitdefender.

If you’ve tried other antivirus software before, you probably know how inconvenient it is to get constant false positives while browsing the internet. Bitdefender is one of the most accurate programs when it comes to detecting malware, which means you won’t be prompted with false positives too often when you go online.

The newer versions of Bitdefender come with a very good-looking dashboard that maximizes ease of access while browsing the menus of the software. Some other antivirus software, although very effective, feel wrong when looking at the menus. Some developers don’t pay too much attention to the design of their software but focus on effectiveness, which is a critical error nowadays.

With Bitdefender you get a bit of everything that’s good in any antivirus software and just a few things that aren’t as good as we would’ve liked. We’ll go into further detail on this when we discuss the Bitdefender pros and cons further in this article.

Bitdefender Extras

The program also includes a ton of additional features that help you enjoy a better experience when using the antivirus. For example, there’s an included VPN service with your subscription, which helps you get a safer browsing experience by hiding your IP from malicious websites.

You can even select which of these features you like to see on the dashboard of the Bitdefender antivirus. The menus are fully customizable, and you can simply input which options they will show. In fact, the dashboard comes with some presets that you can change – it shows the quick scan option and the VPN when you first boot up the software.

Bitdefender Antivirus Pros & Cons

It’s always important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of any antivirus software before purchasing its services. Committing financially to an antivirus likely means that you’ll be keeping it around for a while, and although Bitdefender is a trustworthy partner, you’ll want to know what it does and which features are lacking before purchasing any plans.

Bitdefender Antivirus Pros

  • Bitdefender malware protection is second to none. Few programs are as good at blocking threats as this antivirus
  • This antivirus software can run smoothly even when your computer (or any device) is running multiple tasks at once
  • Comes with a built-in VPN, further expanding its defensive features
  • Includes parental controls

Bitdefender Antivirus Cons

  • During the first scans, Bitdefender takes a long while to fully determine which files are infected and which files are clean
  • Although the program does a good job at blocking and quarantining threats, certain targeted attacks could slip past its defenses

Why Choose Bitdefender Over Other Antiviruses?

If you’re going to choose Bitdefender, you’re selecting one of the best antiviruses of 2019. Even the most basic Bitdefender plan includes a built-in VPN, and even though it doesn’t allow you to freely browse the internet (it comes with a 200 MB daily limit), it offers more than what its close competitors do.

You can even create profiles while using Bitdefender, which allows you to avoid phishing scams on the internet. The benefits that you get with Bitdefender are just too good to be overlooked – even when comparing it to some of the other best antivirus software on the market.

Another reason to choose Bitdefender over other antivirus software is simply that it offers the best basic protection out of them all. Those looking to avoid spending big on an antivirus might want to seriously consider purchasing the Bitdefender basic plan.

Bitdefender Antivirus Protection & Performance

Bitdefender has successfully passed countless of ransomware tests. This antivirus is designed to specifically get rid of ransomware and quarantine any threats related to it, and it’s not surprising that the software has performed almost flawlessly when faced against every type of ransomware threat.

The program doesn’t only block known threats, it also analyses patterns and trends to protect your devices against new ones.

When facing regular threats, such as trojans, spyware and adware, Bitdefender has also outperformed almost every single product created by competitors. The amount of protective features that it offers is second to none, and countless tests have demonstrated just how powerful the Bitdefender database and pattern analysis are.

Furthermore, the product is able to perform flawlessly when your computer is running other programs while scanning for viruses. Bitdefender doesn’t use a ton of GPU power to process information, which frees up a lot of space and allows you to use your devices as you please while getting the best protection that it can offer.

Cleanup Process

One of the few issues with Bitdefender is that the cleanup process isn’t as efficient as it should be. Although the most dangerous parts of the malware are usually deleted, sometimes the Bitdefender cleanup might leave some files behind. These files are harmless, but they still take space from your computer.

Bitdefender Antivirus Features

Before purchasing the services of any antivirus software, you’ll need to be clear on what features it offers. Bitdefender has a wide variety of features at its disposal, like some of the ones we mentioned already (such as the VPN, for example).

Furthermore, Bitdefender comes with a few different scan options that adapt to your specific needs. It comes with a Quick Scan feature that evaluates the state of your drives quickly, but it also has a Full Scan feature that offers a complete evaluation of present threats in your device.

Bitdefender isn’t as easily configured as other competitor products are, though. For example, Kaspersky and Avast offer more maneuverability when it comes to choosing automatic scan times, exceptions, and other relevant features. Nevertheless, Bitdefender can be tweaked and modified to suit your specific needs.

There’s also one more feature that most people will much likely appreciate: their personal information storage program. Bitdefender comes with a special password manager that safely keeps track of all of your precious information and protects it from hacker attacks. It can store website credential, bank login details and much more.

File Shredder

Just like AVG, Bitdefender comes with a built-in file shredder that completely disposes of any information that you don’t want to keep around anymore. Not every modern antivirus software includes this but having it around could certainly keep your computer running smoothly without having to constantly defrag your HDD.

Bitdefender Antivirus Costs & Bitdefender Plans

Bitdefender has a ton of plans at your disposal. Surprisingly enough, the effectiveness of the software doesn’t translate into a hefty price. You can purchase their most basic paid plan at just $24 a year. Their plans escalate in price and features, going up to just short of $50 for their Family Pack, which includes licenses for a bunch of devices at once.

We’ve come across much more expensive and less effective antivirus software before, so it might be a good choice if you’re considering investing some money on Bitdefender’s services.

You can obtain more information on Bitdefender’s price by visiting their website, which you can do by simply following this link.

Our Final Verdict

It doesn’t matter which device you run Bitdefender on, you’re almost guaranteed to have an incredible malware protection software running smoothly at all times. This antivirus is one of the best programs we’ve tested in what refers to keeping you safe from phishing scams, adware, spams, and other types of malicious computer programs.

The newer versions of Bitdefender are very good thanks to the improvements that the developer has made. Their services are second to none, and their additional features are nothing short of incredible. Even their VPN is developed by the same makers of HotSpot Shield, one of the most popular VPN providers in the world.

If you’re looking for a cheap and reliable antivirus option, be it for your own benefit or for your whole family, Bitdefender is probably a good bet.

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